• Trip to Pigeon Creek

    Tim and I took the weekend and journeyed up with a canoe to Pigeon Creek – about a 15-20km hike upstream of the Gorge. Very clearly…

  • Along the Gibb

    It has certainly been a long time since we last posted anything. It is at least good to know that a few people have remarked on…

  • Barra on a Kayak

    Tim and I tackled Donkey Crossing yesterday on the quest of catching a barra on a kayak. And we were successful! Three altogether, with Tim finally…

  • Barra Galore!

    Tim and I decided we needed to get a fish in before the school holidays finished – and it was worth it (for me anyway)!  Casting…

  • See Sawfish

    I’ve managed to get my hands on the sawfish photo from Anna Branch… and thanks to Bryan for a great shot! There seem to be plenty…

  • Another cherabin, another Barra

    Although I’m still hunting for my sawfish piccie, I thought I’d better post another barra pic from the Easter weekend. Emma, Emily and I camped out…

  • 30th Birthday Bash

    About two weeks ago, I had a bit of a bash for my birthday, with a celebrity theme. I didn’t take any photos, but I managed…

  • Anna Branch Catch

    I took Pommy Paul out last night to catch some cherabin, and it turned into a great night’s fishing.  We got to Anna Branch at around…

  • Old Sparky

    After three weeks of no car, due to an LPG backfire blowing up my air-flow meter, I’m finally back on the road!  The last hitch was…