Trip to Pigeon Creek

Tim and I took the weekend and journeyed up with a canoe to Pigeon Creek – about a 15-20km hike upstream of the Gorge. Very clearly not many people venture up this way because the barra were plentiful and the barra were hungry! I went from 11 barra for the year to 20! I managed 9 in two days and Tim finished with 5 – pretty good, considering we caught them all from a canoe.

Of the 14 we caught, only four were undersize – my biggest were 89cm and 83cm, and Tim’s 76cm – although with nearly the last cast of the trip Tim hooked and lost a monster – maybe 90-100cm! It smashed the lure so hard, it took a treble hook off and completely bent the eyelet of a second treble.

Highlight of the trip was watching a barra sit literally next to the boat as it eyed Tim’s floating, stationary lure for what seemed an eternity… before it absolutely smashed it took off. At 68cm, it was a fair sight. We enjoyed the trip!