• Derby to Exmouth

    With the school holidays over, we made a quick trip South of Derby to Wulungurra, a small Independent Aboriginal School on Milidjidee Station. This small community…

  • Monkey Mia and North

    After a rolly night at anchor in Bottle Bay, we headed to Cape Peron to look at the prospect of sailing around and back into the…

  • On the Water Again

    Christine and Terry have returned to the life of sea gypsies. We set off on 7th May with the car fully decked out for camping and…

  • Shark Bay Fishing

    While the kids are in Melbourne Shopping and playing up, us oldies have returned to our beloved Shark Bay for a week of fishing. We are…

  • More Shark Bay – April 2007

    Here are a few more snaps of our recent Shark Bay trip. Notice how glassy-calm the sea is; great for fishing but not too flash for…

  • Shark Bay – April 07

    Another annual Easter trip to Shark Bay is over. For the second year running, we were joined by Derek and Joy for a week. Last year,…

  • Derek Can Catch Fish

    Here is proof that Derek can actually catch a decent fish. This “little” mulloway was caught in Useless Inlet, Shark Bay. He looks like he has…

  • Sandpiper’s First Cruise

    There seemed to be some non-fishy bits being posted so I thought I’d better redress the imbalance with news of our last trip to Shark Bay….