La Grange, Fitzroy and Surrounds
Bidyadanga (La Grange) proved to be an absolute delight. The school Principal, Mark Williams, was an excellent host and soon had us settled into the “donga”,…
Bidyadanga (La Grange) proved to be an absolute delight. The school Principal, Mark Williams, was an excellent host and soon had us settled into the “donga”,…
Last week we worked at Derby District High School, teaching Year 1 to Year 7. With two of us sharing, the day goes smoothly and the…
At Derby, the plan was to catch up with our good friends the Thorsby family, whip down to Looma for a weekend of fishing with them,…
The rain followed us across the Pilbara, not heavy and inconvenient in itself but creating other problems for us. We had planned on staying on at…
After a terrific family birthday and “official retirement” party, we headed back to Dowerin, by way of Parkwood to say farewell to Mum and Dad until…
Tim and I tackled Donkey Crossing yesterday on the quest of catching a barra on a kayak. And we were successful! Three altogether, with Tim finally…
Tim and I decided we needed to get a fish in before the school holidays finished – and it was worth it (for me anyway)! Casting…
While the kids are in Melbourne Shopping and playing up, us oldies have returned to our beloved Shark Bay for a week of fishing. We are…
I’ve managed to get my hands on the sawfish photo from Anna Branch… and thanks to Bryan for a great shot! There seem to be plenty…
Although I’m still hunting for my sawfish piccie, I thought I’d better post another barra pic from the Easter weekend. Emma, Emily and I camped out…