With the weather starting to warm up, the barra have begun to come out again. Over the past few weeks, we’ve managed to land no fewer than 7 barra, but alas, none have been size! Tim and I got up early this morning to take the boat up to the gorge, launching at 5am. The trend continued, with Tim landing a small barra at around 7:30am, and I landed a 45cm at around 12:30pm. In between, we had a few strikes with no reward, and I caught a couple of good bream – one was a perfect pan size, so we cooked it in the boat on the portable stove for a top breakfast. The other came in at a very respectable 32cm.
There were a few interesting catches along the way – trolling past the Geikie Gorge rockwall, with the echo sounder showing 30 foot of water, and trolling with a lure that dived to only 3 foot, I hooked a 30cm catfish. It seemed quite a strange place to catch a catty. The other quite ridiculous catch came just after I landed my barra. We were flicking lures in the area in the hope of catching another, when I felt a light touch on the line. Slightly confused when it continued to slightly tug at the barra lure, I reeled in to find a bream had tried a suicidal feat by trying to hit a lure that was actually bigger than it!
An enjoyable morning of fishing!