Update (12-Mar): Selected photos of the ceremony and holiday are now available in the Gallery.
The plan was for a beach wedding on Patong Beach but the weather intervened and the happy occasion moved indoors. This proved to be a bonus because the staff at the “Gracelands Hotel” really turned it on. The happy couple were the centre of attention, with a special area adorned with floral arrangements in the middle of the luxurious foyer. As a rule, “luxurious” and Phuket don’t go together but Gracelands is a cut above the average tourist accommodation. It was an amazing sight, with more servants and hotel attendants than wedding guests. The ceremony was simple but moving enough to have all the girls dabbing at their eyes (what wedding isn’t). Azba, Brad, Amanda, Paul and I raced around with still and movie cameras, acting like the Paparazzi while Christine just stood and gazed on, all teary eyed. The event drew its crowd of onlookers,
many of whom added to the continual popping of flash lights.
With the deed done, we drank the health of the couple and sampled the sumptuous two tiered cake while the “piano man” played on in the background. After a quick waltz around the floor, the official photographers whisked Derek and Joy outside to begin the usual round of photographs in all manner of unusual poses. The grounds of the hotel are even more spectacular than the inside and once again they attracted an excited crowd of onlookers. This is how to get lots of guests at your wedding without paying for a big meal. All photographed out, the wedding party of 8 retired to the dining room to tuck into the seafood and Thai food buffet. Joy finally got to relax and enjoy the whole event. It certainly is the way to go, easy (as weddings go), simple and so enjoyable.